WZ2 edit by me (mb if it’s a little bit off)
Balerion vs quicksilver by s_shinaya
Mikasa is teased by Ian Dietrich about her feelings for Eren, but Levi thinks it's him who's being alluded to🧣🕊️ (art by @tuyu_aot)
Artwork inspired by Agnus
People will still somehow argue that this is normal smh
By me
Biggest prank in AoT
Aegon I by me
So let's ignore that Maegor raped his neice and killed his nephews just because he made Aerea his heir😁
Aegon "First of his name"
Aegon and the feild of fires
What 2 is this
Lock them up together in a field, Only 3 can survive who and why?
"I did love him, Davos. I know that now. I swear, I will go to my grave thinking of my brother’s peach." by malcontentonline
I want to see this city of the capital of ancient Eldian Empire ,it reminded me of the frankish empire
I hate this world
I get that she is lustful, but that's just way too much...
Aegon by lopataFour
Blaspheminis: Quirce (art by me)
Blasphemous 2 - Ending C: Explained
why didn’t grey ghost just simply not die?
New E.M.A figure by Freedom Studio
I really like Ending 3
Why didn’t D&D let this scene play out? Are they homophobic?
i need to be cleansed