Pacers narrowly achieve Phil Jackson’s “40 Wins before 30 Losses”, can now safely be considered a first round exit
Garcia or Stone
What - not in the mood for any shit talking?
Is Will Ashcroft still a play
2nd Year Playing Fantasy, would love some opinions/potential changes
Pacers on TV?
How to celebrate when you’ve never won a ring and know you’re going to be trash this year
I beat Consort Radahn before the nerf
Illmatic was choosen the Best Rap Album ever. Vote for your 2nd place now
they said the joke was sex but i don’t get it😭
As ogre my Midas is on cool-down even when I have a charge. Did I miss an update or this a bug?
Alright alright I had to ask. We’re just gonna skip to the next day unless you guys are against it. Day 4: Who is the worst starter in the history of the Pacers?
OnLy ReAsoN ThEy WoN waS beCausE of iNjuRieS
Magic/fist combo
Best pos 5 in current meta
How to maintain farm on non flash farmers?
I reached 8,8k at 35+ years old
Top 50 nba players right now
What were the worse takes of this NBA post season?
Honest answers please
Best hero if could have team of same hero?
Jarace Walker Future?
Can someone comment that gif of Caleb with his pink phone and nails
In a rut, looking for new albums