Does anyone else find it weird how quickly the characters get married in this show?
Sir the Russos have made another massive flop
No way are these fuckers actually seriously calling it the greatest bit of art 😂
Should David come back ?
“You a Pokémon or summat”😂😂
Honestly that quad scene with Sarah screams everything that’s been wrong with the show for the last ten years at least
What was the saddest death S1 - S10
Teddy and Nicola
Would you have liked to see this Ben as the only Ben, with no Pascoe, Reid or Bowden?
New Writers Needed?
Moments Before Disaster
Feels like the pod isn't the same anymore
What’s ur thought on the Joe secret?
What kind of character/s would you like to see introduced to the show?
Ben and Paul >>> Ben and Callum
Ross in today's episode (contains spoilers from ITVX)
Is Harry bi?
Too Fake Mitchell heavy?
In surprised Sharon did not Sleep with Harry since everyone is referring to him as Clone Keanu.
Will suits La ruin Harvey character in any way ?
Linda and Max
Best line in the whole show
Classic EastEnders
Returns from the dead