What’s the worst homebrew world you’ve played in or witnessed?
On a Scale of 1-10. How excited are you for the Event?
Hitomi.la down?
Firefly... what have you done to Castorice??
For the record, I'm a SnS main
Of monster hunter’s 14 weapons, how many of them do you play, and which?
Looking at the mods my friend has along with his Calamity playthrough feel like
Im just gonna say it.
Enjoying eating a bowl of ramen
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
I drew the Ju Fufussy~
blursed_brenda song
Unpopular opinion : I don't want the Siblings to be playable
Would you get it
Meme I made... It's my opinion
When the New Eridu City government don't properly treat their water supply you can always rely on your personal robot attendant to help you out.
How did your Anby pulls go?
Don't lie I'm not the only one who thinks this
New player, What advanced and broken tech still works in the current version of the game?
Uhh... Belle?
Any tips for a new guy?
“More challenging than Tempered Monsters”
Everyone will literally just see this and type "WIFE"
NEW TRAIT IDEA. If you have a firearm in the first slot and a melee weapon in the second, the firearm has more ammo than normal
Betrayal 💔 (controversial)