If Duel Monster's Were Real, Who Would Be Your Ace Monster?
Rate my hunter + drip :)
As a LS player, i tried a Mihawk fit
what are your top 5 monsters and why
Windward Ranger.
If you worked as a dev, what would you add to the FNAF Collab?
A set for every role
Lack of cool Gunlance design in wilds
Gunlancers of reddit, what other weapons do you find fun?
Do you think Nergigante will return?
I don't know what to call it but this is my hunter. I'm proud of this look!
A couple of my favourite looks so far
Secondary weapon choice?
Best Normal canon gunlance (wilds High rank)
Original character
Enjoyed the first day.
My hunter with her world comparaison
10 Decks I would like to play at locals again without getting obliterated that have no known support coming anytime soon.
Xu Wu, Or Some Say Shiiwu
Zombie has always been one of the coolest types in the game imo. They have such powerful aura! But out of all Zombie archetypes, which one is your personal favorite? And why?
Wich next anime archetype do you want to see very good support strong as Yubel or Blue eyes ?
New structure deck ideas?
You are hard stuck because you are at the rank you deserve
What's your favorite example of this?
Ice apex/Jin Dahaad render