My dad is 50 years old and starting wow
How good of a computer do I need to run raids with no lag?
I need a game I grind for thousands of hours
Game is too easy now. T_T
Do yall think she will be a jgler again ever?
Is necro still best combat overall?
Who does GP counter well?
M+ feels like a joke
Haven’t been to the doctor in years.
People are not even looting
I suck
Yea cryo and dk are broken but…
Matchmaking in casuals is just dead.
Where My Pyros At?
doesn't seem clothos is too friendly to pyros
How to get a legendary
I Am Not Sure How Anyone Can Look At This And Think it is A Balanced Event...
Anybody knows where the hell is the dark portal of this location? (Ignore the red circle, i got the image from google)
Win Traders? Keep getting numerical names who just sit afk.
Best set bonus for pyro?
Clothos should have allowed everybody access to the same gear.
Fire Mage is dead..
Nobody's talking about daggers
Searching for Clotho's Trial teammates
How much money yall have?