Questions from a beginner about frying chicken
Stopping at red lights
How do/would you react if a past student reached out to you?
If you could invent a new way to greet people that wasn’t a handshake or hug, what would it be?
What area in Indy do you live in and what do you pay for rent?
What do you do to entertain yourself while taking a break from social media?
What were the best and worst parts of your week?
What is stopping you from reading a book?
What funny, weird, crazy habit does your pet have?
2 year old dead after being left home alone. This story is horrifying.
what’s your go to flavor?
You can only eat one meal for the rest of your life (out of breakfast lunch and dinner), which one would you choose and why?
Former emo kids, what mental illness were you diagnosed with as an adult?
I feel like my scars put a target on my back in workplaces
Americans of Reddit what do you do for a living and are you living paycheck to paycheck?
What motivates you to be a good citizen and improve your community?
What are your pet peeves about introverts and extroverts?
If you could pick one meal before you croak, whats it going to be ?
What is the meaning of life?
What is the movie you can watch over and over?
Who is your favorite fictional serial killer?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
How do you start conversations naturally being socially awkward?
There is hope