If you could create a kpop super-group who would be in it?
J-hope's "Sweet Dreams" Challenge behind-the-scenes are so wholesome
Lollapalooza 2025 Lineup
What is your favorite silly/seriously unserious kpop song?
Scalp Pain & Shampoo Suggestions
The whole ksh-ksr controversy in a nutshell
Not a Carat, but SVT’s Hoshi won my heart
how big of an issue was the irene stylist scandal?
If you really don't want minors to debut then stop supporting them, consuming their content or music and just ignore them completely!!
Do you think BlackPink Concert Tickets are overpriced?
What BTS song is the most intriguing from an objective standpoint?
What do other fandoms think about BTS?
Do you think NJ deserves second chance?
Video of illit bowing hanni 90°
Can we talk about Hanni?
New Jeans and Bunnies think this case is a JOKE!!!!
A kpop song you recently discovered and absolutely loved it
What kpop songs are heartbreaking/sound like heartbreak?
What are kpop songs that sound like pure happiness to you?
Everything happening to T.O.P. is extremely unfair
Do you have a group you want to get into, but something is just missing?
I feel like SM isn't utilising the full potential of their groups
Old K-pop or New K-pop ?