I'm gonna miss you Floompy
Loves a huggie
What have you begged for as a child, then regretted?
Hot take but if the only reason you can come up with hating sailing is losing max status, are you really a true scaper?
why did teranen close there twitter?
Thoughts on House M.D. and this video essay series about the show in particular?
how to tell if this pigeons wing is broken?
Bots running Theatre of Blood tick perfectly
Be ready everyone. We’re about to hear another unhinged dogshit take from Synthetic Man.
The Sailing Experience
Makeshift birdbath for Fletcher, the apartment pigeon :)
Friend in need
I thought there was a rock in my shoe…
Pigeon drama outside my house
Possible canker?:( advice needed please
People standing at traffic lights without pressing the button
Bulk update!!!
Uh oh…
What do you feed your pigeons?
Not a smoker but man I couldn't resist
After almost 4 years, I was fired without warning yesterday…
Students make spaghetti tower that holds unbelievable amount of weight
Optimal Bandos altar/door setup
I rescued a 'baby' pigeon. What should I do now ?