Weekly Pricing/Buying/Selling/Grading & General Questions Post
Husbands childhood set
Value? Real?
Value? Should I sell?
Possible clad error?
Resenting my husband
Swollen Nipples
When were you the MOST tired?
I think the morning sickness is finally starting…
August ‘24 mums here we goooo!!!
Do you dress your age?
Pregnancy is lonely
Fridge pickles
Creative Complaints (Framing Ed.) #17
I [37F] found out my husband [38M] has a gf and 2 kids what should I do?
How to stay hydrated while pregnant??
Custom Framing Managers
Tell me the dumb things you've done
What medications/supplements to have on hand before baby gets here?
The Biggest Turd
Anyone else’s puppy absolutely hate their crate??
What weird smell do you love?
What would you say is your greatest superpower? (personal trait)