Accidentaly made my PC Case look better?
Year so far
My most clutch goo gun moment
Help! Crazy Temps After Applying Thermal Putty and PTM 7950 to GPU/CPU - What Am I Doing Wrong? (Solve This Puzzle and You’re a Genius!)
I had a look inside by razer laptop and found something interesting
Is it time to quit?
Help! Crazy Temps After Applying Thermal Putty and PTM 7950 to GPU/CPU - What Am I Doing Wrong?
Why are my temps crazy ?
What’s the problem here?
Map tierlist, thoughts?
Is my value chamber broken? (Razer blade 17 2022 model)
Anyone else annoyed Synapse won’t let you max out fans AND boost GPU/CPU at the same time?
How to Scale to $1M Revenue on Amazon? Stuck at 3-4 Sales/Week
Amazon Refunded Buyer Without My Consent – Now They Likely Have My Item Too. Does Amazon even care about sellers?
Poor Performance in The Finals – Razer Blade 17 (3080 Ti)
Trying to sell vending machines
So I have a Russian girlfriend and I need help...
Al I the only one to load up the finals and purposely not start a game because a fire tune started at the lobby?
Shorts are literally 2 mini skirts working together, one for each leg.
Why did my Account Level Reserve leave me with €0 net proceeds after selling for ~€230?
Cyber Demon