German YouTubers?
Received my IELTS Academic (Computer-Based) Test Results! AMA?
Applying for masters in computer science
Most underrated song?
Any experience with Clonazepam?
I'm done with Sky News Australia
thoughts on the self titled 'Arca' album?
What's the darkest shoegaze song you know?
Gif of me on the compass
Do you think this is an accurate representation of swedes?
M15 from US. Thoughts?
European, 17
Is this a joke? Calf liver right next to plant based protein (Martin's in PA...)
Infection or just healing?
What's an experience you think all gays went through?
Is this true Europe? There are more and more atheists?
Remote Raid Megathread - Find friends fast for raiding here
Songs that have memorable lyrics?
21F living in Canada. Make assumptions
My political journey make assumptions
Vegan & vegetarian restaurants per million people in Europe
Romanian parliament, today