S18 | E20 Chicago Reunion Part 2 & Hall of Fame
Juan’s “Views”
What's up with their teeth?
This is a really good guy who is REALLY trying...too bad he's the only One
The difference between Madison and Michelle
Madison is a GOOD liar
David & Madison both managed to blame Michelle for their affair while apologizing at the reunion
The broccoli shorts…. (And other observations)
Michelle Looks 5x Better Than Madison
S18 | E19 Chicago Reunion Part 1 & Secrets Revealed
Hot take: If Madison and David had been paired by the experts they would not still be together.
" So you moved in with Madison..."
The “Investment Property”
David Shot His Shot
Michelle runs laps around Madison lol
What proof do we have that M & D are together? None
It finally happened Alyssa "i'm a good person" Has Been Dethroned
Karla & her boundaries 👏🏽
Girl, put it away...👅 Plus, who eats ice cream like that?
Madison mocking Karla
Madison's focus on Allen's appearance
I see what Michelle was seeing now...
Trash human
Allen was made to feel like he should get Invisalign while Madison was cheating with this clown?
Allen over sharing