1 sick 1 lonely
On the third day on Christmas the Cat Distribution System gave to me: 3 adorable strays.
Help decorating a neglected dining room.
What do you use for family law practice software?
Hair is so much healthier, but now could use some advice on the ends.
Baby red foot tortoises spending time together eating. They did not like collard greens, so we're back to red and green leaf lettuce today.
Recently decided to keep this stray. Comment referred me to this group.
My first tortoises
Youngling sparrow questions/assistance
Female or Male?
Sunk Galleon - 2000 - Castorland
Roast my lard
What's your favorite underrated species in the hobby? I'll go first:
How screwed am I? Anyone had this happen, if yes, what did you do?
A strong wind fully broke off the top of my avocado tree. Can I graft or propagate it? If so, how
Let's give it a go. Roast my trash gremlin, Yuffie
Which set of chairs should I buy second hand if the last photo is my style ?
My in-laws won't stop putting poisonous plants in our home.
I think my “fixed” cat is pregnant
Corpus Christi, TX trying to figure out what is messing with outdoor storage container. Known animals in the yard are: opossums, squirrels, rats, stray cats.
Is anyone able to id this bird? Corpus Christi, Texas
INFJs, what’s your partners MBTI type?
This little goobie snoobert nearly gave us a heart attack
New Crested Gecko Owner- Photo Just Because