The American healthcare system
why does everyone overreact when somebody uses stick controls?
I feel like I'm getting worse
Low-key freaking out
My story
Having massive MCAS flare—what helps acutely? Consider ER but afraid
And they say Kraken has no counterplay 😤
If you kept your ovaries, do you still use a period tracker?
For those who told me they hope I get my couch for recovery on my previous post. Thank you ❤️
I can't get approved for a hysterectomy no matter what I try. I feel so hopeless and like giving up.
while sick with the flu I 100% side order (finally)
Man. Why is this game soo dead :/. I know it’s old but come on :(
Maybe the wildest town meeting: Chichester entirely eliminates all town administration
Adrien is bi?
Last minute submission tonight 🍀
Don’t mean to offend anyone
Love watching Splatoon replays from this perspective.
Who else is having a lot of fun with the ultra stamp update? 😅😅
Honest question…what do we do with all these plastic bags?
Anybody know if these are any good in person or do you just look like an idiot wearing them? (Also how easily do they wear out over time from normal indoor use?)
Thinking of cancelling my surgery tomorrow
I beat splatoon3s story mode
I love the Nintendo rewards stickers!!
Things to do in Splatoon if you're too poor to afford a nintendo online membership?
Unshovelling the driveway