There were a lot of disgusting and gross children’s rhymes from grade school. Some were jump rope songs, others were just gross kid songs. How many do you recall?
Why Didn’t Anyone Warn Me That Being an Adult Is Just… Constantly Figuring Out What to Eat? 😩
DAE hate when the waiter hands you the menu then immediately asks what you want to drink
Remember when the dumbest people had no audience for their opinions?
They love to eat in my turkey pen
ok now most tender song you ever listened to
Peeping Hank
DAE find voice messages inexplicably infuriating?
Who had one of these beauties? 😊
Hello all.I made an owl pendant from cow bone material.
If you were immortal or at least capable of living for tens of thousands of years do you think you would ever forget the people who mattered most in the beginning?
Your wife had no idea what a pitiful foot boy you are
Brian 🤣
What do you usually say?
You’re meant to worship this a$$
How did they used to package meat at the supermarket?
This is why I turned off free chatting. Wtf does this even mean 😭 This is his first time messaging me btw
What's up with people not wanting a funeral?
This is wobbles
What do you call the marking on this deer? All white except the front of the neck and underside.
We're the Only Species That Has to Earn the Right to Exist
She would never understand your kinks
Scrolling through this sub is amazing
Great Horned Owl or Barred Owl, which one is your personal favorite and why?