Dude, keep a cheap yoga mat in your car in case you need to change a tire or shimmy underneath your car, wanker.
LPT: Keep a cheap yoga mat in your car in case you need to change a tire or shimmy underneath your car.
Stop being an idiot and pay attention, if you’re unemployed and struggling to find a job in your profession, enroll in a 1-year online program to keep moving forward, my guy.
LPT: if you’re unemployed and struggling to find a job in your profession, enroll in a 1-year online program to keep moving forward
Hey, fatty, when painting the interior/exterior of your house, always wear a hat, you muppet.
LPT: When painting the interior/exterior of your house, always wear a hat.
Listen up, dumbass, struggling with a messy house? Designate one clean corner. Having even a 1 sq. ft. end table be perfectly clean and orderly can make cleaning seem less overwhelming every time you look at it, idiot.
LPT: Struggling with a messy house? Designate one clean corner. Having even a 1 sq. ft. end table be perfectly clean and orderly can make cleaning seem less overwhelming every time you look at it.
Degenerates like you need to know, when you check into a hotel room, make sure the alarm on the clock is off, asshat.
LPT When you check into a hotel room, make sure the alarm on the clock is off.
Jesus Christ---Be okay with missing out, dingus.
LPT-Be okay with missing out
Obviously you don't know this, but check your phone signal when apartment or house hunting, dumdum.
LPT: Check your phone signal when apartment or house hunting
Seriously? you don’t have to talk to people who you feel drain your energy, doodoo head.
LPT: You don’t have to talk to people who you feel drain your energy.
Get it through your thick skull, "The Secret to Success? Do the Opposite.", loser.
LPT"The Secret to Success? Do the Opposite.".
Listen up, dumbass, limit reading/watching the News to 20 minutes a day, jabroni.
LPT: Limit reading/watching the News to 20 minutes a day
Verily thou art a fool, when working in the service industry and your customer is an older woman with a child, always assume mom before grandmother, douche canoe.
LPT: When working in the service industry and your customer is an older woman with a child, always assume mom before grandmother.
The heck... if you are going on a step ladder or up into your attic, text someone first and let them know, dumbie.
LPT If you are going on a step ladder or up into your attic, text someone first and let them know.
Hey, idiot, - Take a Moment to Mindfully Reflect upon what you Learn so that it makes more Sense to your Own, Unique Life Situation, dipshit.
LPT - Take a Moment to Mindfully Reflect upon what you Learn so that it makes more Sense to your Own, Unique Life Situation.
Hey, fatty, sign documents in blue ink to differentiate originals from copies, wanker.
LPT: Sign documents in blue ink to differentiate originals from copies
I once heard at a funeral, before removing brake lines, wedge the brake pedel down. It will keep the fluid from draining the master cylinder, idiot.
LPT before removing brake lines, wedge the brake pedel down. It will keep the fluid from draining the master cylinder.
For crying out loud, spend time on planning your free time, ya bastard.
LPT: Spend time on planning your free time.
Degenerates like you need to know, you can reuse the same email address to register multiple times on the same site. Just add a + before the @, dumdum.
LPT: You can reuse the same email address to register multiple times on the same site. Just add a + before the @.
Verily thou art a fool, buy your chicken in bulk, portion, prep, premarinade and then freeze, my guy.
LPT: Buy your chicken in bulk, portion, prep, premarinade and then freeze.
Listen up, dumbass, if you're an introvert, you don’t need to force yourself to become an extrovert to make friends—just embrace your natural traits, ya little punk.
LPT If you're an introvert, you don’t need to force yourself to become an extrovert to make friends—just embrace your natural traits.
Listen boomer, how to restore size of shirt, dipshit.
LPT how to restore size of shirt?
Uh... sort reviews by most recent when shopping online, goofball.
LPT: Sort reviews by most recent when shopping online
Hey, fatty, planning Trips with Friends, you meat-head.
LPT Planning Trips with Friends
Get it through your thick skull, : Always try the flush and the bidet first when you about to use a new washroom , no matter where. Will save you from future embarrassment, ya mook.
LPT : Always try the flush and the bidet first when you about to use a new washroom , no matter where. Will save you from future embarrassment.
For the last time, hide YouTube Shorts, doodoo head.
LPT: Hide YouTube Shorts
Obviously you don't know this, but keeping fresh apples in the refrigerator can keep them fresh for months, numbskull.
LPT: Keeping fresh apples in the refrigerator can keep them fresh for months.