Which game has a bigger competitive scene on PC? Forza 7 or Horizon 4?
Monitor question. Triple 1080p 60hz or Single 1440p 144hz?
Even though that reveal was awesome, it doesn't excuse the fact that this season appears to be a copypaste of last season, with the addition of a dungeon.
Live Raw Discussion Thread - April 20th 2020
How to turn car around when starting air dribble
New-ish to Pokemon. Sword/Shield competitive question.
Looking for PC upgrade advice in order to run RDR2 at 60FPS on high
Will It run on my pc?
LIVE WWE Crown Jewel Discussion Thread
Returning player - What kegs would be most efficient to buy?
did anyone else hate the production on gold & grey at first but then sort of grew okay with it?
Live Raw discussion thread 6/24/19
Looking for fantasy with some horror/spooky elements
Can I but a horn without preorder?
Nintendo Switch power level request
LF Power Level
Hey guys, Glads is out this Friday
What if winning 5 casual games give you 1/20 of a ticket piece?
Looking for recommendations for remote desktop apps to play Artifact on iPad on home network.
10k$ constructed tournament featuring some of the best Artifact players starting in a few minutes. Insane production value!
Axe and I are ready for launch
Brace yourselves, "OmG Ca$hiFaCt Is P2W JuSt pLaY Heartstone OmeGaLUl!!!11!!!" posts incoming
Is there an in-game profile/statistics page?
Looking for a solid, somewhat cheap, meta deck
(Switch) How does the game feel in tablet mode?