Should I let my kittens get used to being petted and held, or should I give them space until they’re comfortable?
What's your venus sign , and what kind of person are you in love?
Moth Ball STINK!
How is the first day of Venus Retrograde treating you?
What's your sign and your favorite sign? I won't judge you if it's your own.
art authenticator
So disappointing
Worst moon sign you have ever dated and why?
Moon sign compatibility is so important !!!
What is your guidance for traveling on first date?
NYC Area Dating Profile Photographer?
I often see that Virgo and Scorpios are the most hated signs
60+ Dates in NYC—Why Does Everything Fizzle Out?
Input needed on columns
What’s your big six?
Claudia purrsuading me not to leave
Best places to live for someone who is in their early-mid 20s?
Should I move to NYC
sew in
Omakase club?
Recs for non puffer winter coat for NYC weather
30+ Hormonal Acne bitches- facials!
Unspayed female, neutered males, risk of injury?
Therapist Rec
How can I get rid of rats?