🚨Jackie left the house
Yall. This is bad
Jakkkie’s in-laws house, casual.
Could have atleast taken the boxes out of the fireplace lmao
Wood box anyone?
Good Guys 3/6/25
It’s not giving what she thinks it is….
Jetski…..did anyone catch Julia at the beginning of the baby moon vlog say “oh jetskis! I hadn’t thought about that” MAAM!! You are almost 8 months pregnant!!!
Danielle should be thankful Ryan didn’t pull the crap she did on the pod about v-day. defs shows she’s still so immature
The Elon of it all
Okay what do we think is actually going on
No worries 🫣
Who gave Jackie a license??
Pod Today
Advice on legally sourcing Masters tickets
Jackie O Selling House in FL for 3.8 Million
Her "Valentine"
The pick me energy is strong
something about this pic is just sooo awk to me
Augusta Without Tickets?
Dear toasters clip… absolutely hate to burst y’all’s bubbles but a lot of men have peed in the sink and do it more than you think. & if your man says he never has he’s lying. It’s gross but it’s true sorry yall
House 4 Sale
Why does her wrist/hand look like an old lady hand? Like the face skin and hand skin do not match at all 😭