What is the first movie you think of when you see Wesley Snipes
Without saying the name, what’s a movie everyone will recognize from just a quote?
Profesia.sk otupejavja
Ballpoint pen drawing of Audi RS6.
Čo je to chermotrans ? Odpovedzte pánovi. Prosím len zlé odpovede
At The Met museum last weekend and sketched the Petrie European Sculpture Court. Such an inspiring space.
Whats next.
What's a movie you never get tired of watching?
A Special Illustrated Edition for a Super-Frog coming in October
MM Flip v2 available!
Nejaká zvláštna, netradičná vec, ktorú zvyknete robievať?
Kafka on the shore
All drawings I made this year
1980: "V roce 2025 budeme mit letajici auta"... 2025:
Yesterday on Danish and Swedish news
Mám novou práci a je to peklo
Ako sa vrátiť k aktívnemu čítaniu kníh? 📚
just finished reading kafka on the shore
May you rest in peace sir
What are you reading atm?
Where the f did those cards come from????
Mier na Ukrajine - Ako?
A House Centipede Molting
Spatřeno na nádraží
Pistachio Earbud