1 bar shang/stryker 62%
All upcoming skins 🐉
They sure about stryker?
ROG STRIX 18 2024 4090.
Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns – Official T-1000 Gameplay Trailer
It's like they're talking to each other
Shang/Shujinko combos
The corner was his home
I lost to floyd
"You have chosen war with a god"
Me after spending hours and finally finding Floyd
Looks like we're not done yet with DLC
Shang Tsung Bug
Towers of Time Reward
Shang Tsung not working
How did Shao Kahn kill him? (Mk11 aftermath spoilers)
If I buy mk1 on steam can I link my ps5 account and have all of my progress?
To all of those that offered advice
42% D1 poke punish
Does there exist a discord for high level MK1 players to match up and spar? (god/EG)
This is what happens when ibgonany faster
Heres another video. She enters the final combo and still loses. Why.
Punk'd out a Quit with Ol' Reliable!
Don't think he was a fan of the comeback
Mortal Kombat 1 XBox One S