Are we being deadass right now? 🗿
I managed to add a gif to my Pc, so you know what i had to pick, just wanted to share it with you guys 🤗
Something felt similar... (from Aglaea's trailer)
Sooo… was it a bug or an oversight?
V3.0 Line Count via HomDGCat
Am i cooking, or am i cooked?
Banner stars tommorow - What is your final decision?
Clara heard that It's Wolf Hunting Season
Something something boob funny
Unfortunate news y’all. I am now (temporarily) a Californian. When I went to buy merch I was hit with 50 billion taxes. Guess I deserve it
Thank fuck it‘s over
This is best girl, argue with yo mama
What are the reasons you are pulling for Madam Jade?
The disadvantage of Mirko quirk
Can i stop now? 💀
I might be on crack but has no one ever thought about how hoyoverse has a naked 3D model of almost every character that they use for their E6 art hiding in their basement somewhere?
the way she highlight the ticket tho.....
When People With Broken Bones Try To Give You Advise
I‘m a bit late, but here‘s a shitty meme of mine
Y is for… (Tbate A-Z)
is this a weapon against us?
Natasha or bailu?
Just got the 7th German Volume delivered
Should I break up (just like her bones)?