It is criminal that Mindhunter did not get a 3rd season.
MLB The Show 25 RTTS wishlist
Early predictions for next year’s cover athlete?
Probably a dumb question
Set 3 bosses and collection
Can’t Login To Diamond Dynasty
Day/Night games, time of year?
Whats the card you thought would be good but turned out to be a bust
Been playing RTTS, curious about something.
Has anyone’s love for this game died off a lot faster than usual?
Disconnected from Server?
Double XP Weekend again?
Why are some cards sellable and some are non?
Who’s your go to vs CPU
March to October Team Affinity
Mini seasons sim to playoffs?
Only want to make a two way pitcher that hits
RTTS unlock player quirks?
Why can’t we change bat skins in RTTS?
What Are Some Cards You Hope Get Added To The Show This Year?
Can you restart a RTTS career?
Egg Hunt Steal Base/Boggs
Season 1 Rewards Path
RTTS Show Pitching??
RTTS Pitching Attribute Bug