the first apology for misgendering i have ever gotten from a stranger
“When you said you were making yourself a man, I thought you meant you were transgender,” My friend says in awe
What classes make sense for a Githyanki?
Alright i could use help in my new play through
what is THE most cisgay pair of shoes?
How often should I long rest?
What character do you always leave behind in camp?
Which Character Did You…
What girl's name has the most "Trashy Trailer Park" energy?
do you shave?
What's a class/classes you struggle with roleplaying as?
I need reassurance, and NOT lies.
What scene cracks you up every time you watch it?
Unacceptable top surgery experience
tell me about the first time you felt comfortable/like you passed/euphoric in your body
Did you change your middle name too?
can we please stop doing posts about detransitioning
At the college library, a student dozed off mid-paper, his forehead sinking onto the backspace key.
Favorite lines you never skip?
Whats the lore behind your name?
my dad keeps buying me pink things because he thinks it’ll make me detransition. but in fact, it’s actually making me gayer
To those of you who started on gel and switched to injections, what was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak? (Transmasc)
I can’t be the only one that hates kaga with a passion
My husband just got disowned by his trumpist mother
Cis men don’t hug like cis women do.