Why is magneto so BORING TO PLAY.
Am I the only one who find peni’s voice to be annoying as hell?
What determines how long someone stays CC'd from Luna's freeze?
How do you counter this comp?
Why is everyone against Black Widow having a one shot despite hawkeye being able to do it?
Upgrades, people, upgrades
Do we still think she is insanely busted?
Marvel Rivals animal team art
How can I improve my aim on console?
Warlock is severely underatted / misunderstood
Is Hawkeye still banned from ranked matches?
Which are your top 3 best skins till date.
New Loki skin came out, sadly it's a magnet to headshots
Storm and Loki skins are here!
Marvel Rivals Dev team if they release a sexy Galacta Skin
What character has the worst skins in the game so that you would play the default even if you had all the skins?
Stop the “what do my mains say about me” posts
Hero Balance Adjustments | March 13th
Average Luna Snow Experience❄️
Tell me why to go Invis over Luna
You guys really don't like Clone Rumble, huh
I need help picking a dps to play.
widow's new skin is too good i had to lock in
Is 120ms latency generally considered to high to play?
DPS mains, what is stopping you from getting kills in games?