Am I the asshole for not wanting to sit down on Zoom with my boyfriend’s brother, his fiancée, and their therapist to “talk it out”?
Anyone on a probiotic? I know prebiotics can affect us but anyone on a probiotic without prebiotic?
should i even bother keeping this in?
Swollen conch
My rook infection evolution
Free doodles! Your lucky day!
Colored part of tattoo textured and painful
PSA for the daith girlies
UPDATE: Just found this cat in my driveway
how did u guys meet ur bfs?
My cat appears to have indoor allergies (congested and sneezing). What have you done to help your cat with allergies? 🤧
Hey! Got pierced two days ago and was just wondering if the placement is good?
Is anyone else’s cat obsessed with plastic?
I'm hosting a birthday party for my kid and once again a parent has demanded I pick them off and drop them off
What's the one book you are desperate to add to your collection?
I pad extra for ultra “thin” lenses and this is what I got
Help !! Anyone know what this is ?
This my piercing rejecting
This is a keloid right? <\3
Should I be concerned?
Fully healed daith!
new ear set up!
Rides to Dulles airport or DCA
Are these angel wings bad?
Had my conch done a few days ago and accidentally slept on it and now its swollen