They will never make me hate you
What do you think, brothers and sisters?
I hate Marazhai
An en caul birth, also known as a "veiled birth," is a rare event where a baby is born still inside an intact amniotic sac. It occurs in less than 1 in 80,000 live births.
I've seen two posts about factions popular with women and had to throw this in
The fumbling of Dare Devil honestly rivals the trainwreck that is Disney Star Wars
Cassia my beloved
This can't continue forever
Deathwatch marines wearing full original chapter colours?
I've been told Argenta is a trash companion because bolters are shit after a nerf. Thoughts?
Am I the only one left unsatisfied by the new noise marines?
Adaptations of characters so good it tricks people into consuming their original media (they hate it)
No Harry Potter shit alright?!
Redesigned Covenant Species by @kanarmajik
Young motorcyclist confronts tailgater who 'derailed' her life
Sisters of Battle have great freehand motives, why not use that?)
Made this after seeing people say the Loin is gay.
What was your reaction to the opening credits reveal?
[Hated Trope] The entire race is evil, there are no exceptions
""Bioware ruined Bioware""
Does necromunda have "mechanical" sectors/zones?
'On a pirate ship, they'd toss the captain overboard'
He isnt even credited as ever being part of a movie or film crew.
BioWare's Restructuring Sees Departure of Entire 'Dragon Age: The Veilguard' Writing Team
Why does everybody hate this guy?