What comes to mind when you see my kit?
Another wedding venue post!
Opinion on my new Rig
Hemorrhoid banding - what I wish I knew
Based on my kit, how would you assume I have my coffee? And I guess musical styles/influences...
Took time off, need support, kind of wasn’t working that well anyway.
Has anyone here been using Enclomiphene for a while? If so, have you noticed any significant long-term effects, such as improvements in mood, weight loss, or muscle growth? Additionally, what side effects have you experienced?
Is everyone a metal drummer now?
Mazak to Citizen switch
What to buy if you are a complete beginner
Genuinely curious
How long does a vial of testosterone last
Who has the most psychedelic edit for this photo?
Good deal?
How much weight is everyone losing? How long have you been taking it?
What scale do you use?
should I be ashamed?
Please describe your pre work out routine.
One legged girlfriend
First drum set just arrived. Should I return it?
Trt and blood pressure
Drum kit is too loud for my family
She lies and messes up a lot, but not necessarily bad enough to break up over. What do I do?
What are these?
What do I play? Whatcha think of my kit?