Fav togekiss deck?
Just realized Irida heals 40 damage from each Pokémon
how’s your collection looking without spending?
You give me a deck, I play 5 games with it
F2P players - how are you dealing with tokens? Are you swapping in 1 Stars?
Does anyone keep getting this at the start of battles?
Lol (leaked card)
Are you really unlucky? Try out this PTCGP Luck Calculator
Burn is underrqted
TCG Pocket Official Update
What's that one diamond card that keeps evading you?
Meta vs Non-Meta
Guys am I cooked?
What's the weirdest stat about your collection? I have 1 machop, 1 machamp and 4 machamp ex without a regular machoke 😅 (1800ish cards)
I got 2 Jigglupuffs, 2 Greninja and 4 Venusaur already, is there any other reason to keep farming the event? Can I store the extra energy, or will it go away?
7-3 with this trap deck
I made this apple pie for thanksgiving
My expired Premium pass returned
People who let go/held on to a relationship, how did your decision fare out?
Today's large eruption on the Sun (Credit: Edward Vijayakumar)
I need help deciding on a graphics card
Table Pythagora Switch
Got the fastest car in game.
What is this magic?