I have the following email received from legit email address, Am I in Danger?
I have the following email received from legit email address
I don't have a microsoft account, but I received a phishing from legit microsoft email address. They are now spoofing legit From addresses from Microsoft, beware
I love turkey sometimes
Wait... You're Not a Baluchi Nationalist Yet?! 🎶 Greece ❤️ Baluchistan ❤️ Israel ❤️ Kurdistan ❤️
How much based is your country?
I think I saw this witcher gear somewhere...
Three kingdoms or Pharaoh?
Oof... 🇨🇵🇺🇸
Europe (According to Ben Franklin)
Australia, I love you, but what the fuck?
Is Fire at Will bug fixed? Are there any known bugs like this, that are just frustrating?
The Fire At Will Bug (LegendofTotalWar)
National animals!
How is life in Liberty City?
Temerian Guerilla's stuck on Novigrad bridge
Something something superior civilization
How is the WH3 state, is it worth buying? Do you think price will go lower?
Is WH3 Worth a buy now? Specifically looking for this Sub's opinion
No way where is my file save ?
Underappreciated Absolute banger from "In the Eternal Fire's Shadow"