What's on Tour 25/26?
Just in Time cancels first two previews!
What’s the best two show day you’ve pulled off?
Coming up soon and overwhelmed by options and don't want to wait until last minute to buy tickets - how are people navigating this crowded season over the next few months?
4-show weekend, reviews (no spoilers)!
The Last Five Years... UGGGGH
Regarding the pricing controversy, watch this interview from Theater Talk in 2012
tony predictions
SMASH Review
Purpose 3/12 Matinee Cancelled
Operation Mincemeat: from British fringe to toast of Broadway?
Boop-Oop-A-Doop !
Operation Mincemeat! A review.
Glengarry Glen Ross Price Increasing Continues
What do you like to do before Broadway shows?
Redwood is back on TDF
Help!! Severe FOMO over what I can’t see
Do yourself a favor and get this on audiobook. Absolutely fascinating, and hilarious when read by Gad himself.
Help us choose a Broadway (and Off-Broadway) show for our first NY trip!🙏💗
Are there randomly obstructed seats for Maybe Happy Ending
Fake Show-Score Reviews?
Purpose is on (regular) TDF!
Golden theater / Mincemeat seating question / front row?
best to purchase a cheap seat OR wait for a lottery win?
Soliciting Theatr App Advice: How Much Notice?