Joined the Wrong Club, Got the Right Vibes!
This dude blowin’ smoke
My turtle is so goofy
my round girl doopo 🥰
Body by Matteo Pasqualin (Artigiano Tatuatore, Italy), Arm by Fabien Abbet (Nethacreationtattoo, Switzerland)
Update with Pickle (lol it’s been a while) 🤪🥰🐸
An octopus protects itself against somebody messing with it.
Amethyst geode with waterline agate
Haven’t even read the comments 🤣
What plant is this? Grown out of nowhere in my backyard!
Damn I gotta say Red Hulk moves REALLY fast, show bubby
Damn I gotta say Red Hulk moves REALLY fast
Bro had enough
just bought a bunch of new things for my turtle. rate the tank.
Yo check this out babe, look at the comments!!🤩
Found something REALLY cool but what is it?
Bro needed that hug
Bravery and stupidity often go hand in hand
New sink, faucet and flooring for $230
Genius Dad spotted!!
lol kinda how it went for us
My boulder people need me
Find yourself the best life partner
Before i hear anyone complain about their gameplay or smurfs in rl this is my constant struggle
Bad ass
Nothing short of artistry
Finally caught one of my shrimpers molting!
Know the difference [image]