What was with that judging??
I Don’t Want to See Them
Would it kill you to give the kid some praise, speech therapist?!
S17E09 - "Heavens to Betsey!" [Untucked Discussion]
Episode 1 Jackie
DAY 5: Kevin Malone’s most wholesome moment.
Which character are you loving/hating more and more every rewatch?
Didn’t expect that one!! Christening is you most boring episode. DAY 7: what’s the OVERRATED episode (doesn’t mean bad, just valued to highly) ?
Stress Relief is the funniest episode!!!! DAY 6: what’s our BORING episode now?
Was Raven on Vacation?
In your opinion, what do you think is the greatest Nintendo game of all time and why?
I don’t think her character gave her a shot
It was sweaty, it was hard (that’s what she said) but Phyllis’ wedding is the cringiest! DAY 3: what’s our useless episode?
I’m back. Time to crown the funniest queen!
Out of all 'That's what she said' scenes which one is your favourite?
Black lines in Zelda world map
I edited this template to talk about episodes. DAY 1: what’s our GOAT episode?
What’s your top quotable moments?
That's not delusion, that's ✨️motherhood✨️
Plane Jane lets Lana HAVE IT 😭
She’s wrong for this 💀
My gf made them for me, so I made a little altar.
This was WILD!
S17E07 - “Snatch Game” [Live/Reaction Post]
Favorite Kelly quote