Cinematic mode if your afk??
As Requested: More photos of my model of Valentine. 1/87th Scale with working trains.
Thought I'd share my model of Valentine that I've been working on:
Can i get to New Austin before the Epilogue?
What a magnificent photo isn’t it 🥹
How long should i wait ?
i think ive commited bird genocide
“Mrs. Braithwaite! We’ve come for the boy. You’ve had your fun. The time is over. Where is he?”
Oak Alley Plantation
White Shire is a beaut!
Proto-Prohibition Enforcement
Why did the gang feel like it was okay to camp in Beaver Hollow in the territory of the Murfree Brood?
Can anyone help identify this movie?
How would you like to spend your day (Strangers Edition)
Old Arthur
Looks like there’s a new sheriff in Valentine…
RDR2 - Headphones or am I a dumbass in finding NPCs that are shouting?
If you had an option to change one thing about the ending or game what would u change?
Red Dead Redemption 2 Quotes: What quote starts with G
Which of the antagonists in Red Dead Redemption 2 did you like the most?
When did you guys stopped playing red dead redemption two?
Why does this stingy bastard pay only $25 for a beautiful carriage with 4 horses?
Could someone smarter help?
Which rdr character represents you?
What are your thoughts on my Low Honor Arthur outfit
Well, I think the next red dead game should go..