What the actual fuck am I supposed to do against this?
Don't listen to toxic teammates
Would've been a damn good clutch.
That was a ballsy play, I respect it.
Genuinely pretty upset about this. Both knocks revived, got nothing but damage out of it.
Who has the best base executions?
I hate honorable people in Dominion
Game Plan
Guess the map
Who is your Main
I see why Michele's considered S tier
Best mature Romance anime
Something about the aim
What character you should pick if you bad at aiming/dueling?
i feel dirty for doing this to ming when she just use the ult...
All you new lawbringers need to die
I Am the best 😈 RIP rep 80 orochi
What is up with some of you mfs in dominion
Had to lock in real quick.
First Strinova ace!
this agent makes me unreasonably angry
Hollup, lemme cook. Literally.
1v5 clutch. Boy am I glad replay mode exists.