Any Foriegn Dark Academia Books?
Is Community Engagement At An All Time Low (For Fanfiction at Least)??
Fuji TV Scandal (selling out its female staff like sex workers) Puts Dragon Ball Anime Broadcast Schedule at Risk
What Do You Think Will Happen After Super Get Past the End Of Z?
Surprise Yanderes??
Obscure Yandere Western Books?
The State of This Subreddit..
When will there be an English dub in the UK
End game
Anybody know this narrator?
“But but but Daima is trash cuz how could bullets or lasers actually hurt Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo?”
You Guys Just Don't Know What You Want.
Last Time I'll Ask This.. Who Do You Think Will Be the Final Villian?
Community Meltdown Near the Finale
This character gave me huge Beelzebub vibes from SandLand, could be reaching though lol
I’m convinced people really don’t watch their show
Prediction on What Fight Will Happen in the Last 5 Episodes.
Books With Pure Evil Demon
Why is is still not dubbed on Netflix or hulu?
I Really Wish the Flashback Was Longer
Was DAIMA mishandled?
Piccolo Will Most Likely Play A Big Role In The Next Episode
Damn, all we need is hyperbolic time chamber and we are ready to go
Episode 15 frustration