If you could give your 18 year old self only 3 words of advice, what would they be?
If you're girlfriend said this, would it upset you?
How likely is it to come across a woman who genuinely doesn’t want kids
For the dumpers: Is the grass greener or do you miss your ex?
What's the biggest "wtf?!" moment that you've had a on a first date?
Shit they don't want you to know
Why do you think so many men are 'blindsided' by their breakups?
She broke up with me because she felt overwhelmed. What now?
What was the moment that made you go « damn, I’ve been lied to my whole life » ?
What are some good older movies that someone in their 20s probably hasn’t watched yet?
Do women find it attractive if their BF/husband is like a therapist to them?
Men, have you ever found a woman who has 100% of what you want? I honestly have never have and aim for the 70-75% mark, anything more is gravy
CMV: unless they overthrow democracy. It is very likely Trump lose the midterms.
50k referral because no one wants to work 100hrs/week - moron
I opened up towards my GF and I think it destroyed my relationship with her
Do girls like clingy boys? If so, until what point is it tolerated? NEED POST-BREAKUP ADVICE
cmv: Even if we remove Trump's administration from the White House, he has irreparably damaged relationships with our allies.
Searching for a soulmate is pretty much pointless
Why was life in our generation so much better than it is today?
It hurts my head to read this nonsense
Would you take your wife’s offer of an open marriage?
Men who finally stuck with exercise after years of quitting, what was your game changer?
Why do women in their 40’s go off the rails?
How much do you personally care about how smart a woman is when dating her?
Men over 40 what are your biggest life regrets?