Post your best team here
Who are other people choosing for the new evo?
Had the most incredible 30 minutes of my life in this game.
Who do I evo folks , I can’t choose
Lads I need help, who to choose
Rate my team. What am I missing to compete in Elite?
Biggest SBC disappointment???
Dupe untradable Ibarbo. What the hell.
Thoughts on Flashback CR7???
Is this paid Evo worth it for a Griezmann fan?
I did it
Almost have a full 11 with cbs who do i start?
900k, and fodders flooding out my ears. What should i do?
Is this guy any good
Using Wrong?
Another week. Another WL team. Rate my team and I’ll rate yours.
Which midfield trio
Should I sell anyone?
13 wins in the WL. Pure Vibes.