New Crucible info from the TWID today
For those who are using Peacebond a lot in PvP
140s - PI versus EOTS?
I’m sorry about this…
What kd is considered “good” for trials and crucible as a whole?
Weekly RANT Megathread - All complaining posts belong in this thread
Is there a lunar coin farm for PS5 players?
First time posting
What is this BS forced on my library and can’t be removed?
Update: Found another one :3
For when 7 minions just isn’t enough
Training certificate is kinda funny, what your guys biggest minions ever?
How do I remove this
My experience with this sub
I am friendly until you attack me, then this happens(headphone warning after I exit via the portal)
Worst shooter game of my life
Oh no
Rat Poison
mists of hate
I Think My Husband Is Hiding Something From Me