What was is about the 80s/early 90s that was so special?.
"Just dress nice, get a haircut, take a shower, workout, and all your ugly troubles are done!" 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Feedback Post - GO Tour: Unova Global
Why Niantic....why?, why?, why?. It could have been Sandile...Genesect...but noooo, it had to be this one 😤
Most people in this sub are full of shit
Go check your time yo research
Finding a hobby is a pain when you're poor and have ADHD.
Pointing to the attractive person in the room and saying, "They're fun to be around because they don't complain" is like pointing to a white person and claiming "they're fun to be around. They don't complain about racism all day".
If it wasn't for the age difference, I could see Takayuki Yamada, of 13 Assassin's, play Jin.
Tips on how to beat Kobe in RIVALS as an interior finisher?.
These people ruin any credibility for actual ugly people looking for support. With all these people feeling "ugly", the ones with real physical issues that are afraid to post their pictures, are downplayed and told they're making it up.
The last "big thing" from the original Muppet performers, that no one ever talks about?. There were a few TV things, yes. I just feel this game doesn't get enough credit as a Jim Henson production that Jerry Nelson was a part of.
Many "unattractive/ugly" people actually do dress nice, shower, and have a decent personality......
Name a horror movie cover that was better than the movie.
If your current team, wasn't a team. Who would be your team?.
Name a cover art that was better than the movie...
As someone who regularly gets a haircut, dresses in fitting clothes and showers multiple times a day....I can bust this theory.
Is something wrong with my taste in horror?.
Has the culture of Pokemon Go changed in Japan as it has seemed to in my area of the USA?.
Please......please...I'll forgive the frill and poison....just stop being a market rotisserie and finally be the six foot turkey you were ment to be!.
Poor Udesky had no idea.....
Could "up to date" Dinosaurs be another part of the "secret" on the island?.
What were your misconceptions of childhood?.
If you've never been peed on by a Toad....