What are some movies so intense that people who have seen it can’t believe you when you say the book goes even harder? (I have a toddler and don’t get out much.)
Tesla Protest in Plano 3/8 2pm
Bond 26 (2027)
GenZ, are we ready to be drafted?
Which movie message non cinephiles misinterpreted?
For the past year, I have been dreaming and fantasizing about Jack Donaghy.
Which actor completely disappeared into a role so much so that you forgot it was them?
My estimation of Nick Sirianni has plummeted.
Adriana the fuck you doing?
Worst example of a movie forcing politics onto its viewers.
Idea - Democrat Governors Against Fascism (DGAF)
🚨BREAKING: The Canadian Dollar falls to its lowest value since 2003 (22 years) . Now Justin Trudeau can only retaliate by crying and begging to Trump. 😂
What are some of your favorite lines in a movie?
The four horsemen of creating a super chill and comfortable work environment.
Pete Hegseth confirmed as SecDef with Vance tie breaking vote
Movies that perfecting explain how we arrived at this sociopolitical moment.
Very concerning
It’s (D)ifferent…
The Elon “controversy” falls apart when you apply basic logic to it
Which actor do you wish would stop talking about politics and get back to entertaining us. I’ll start.
The hottest anyone has ever been in a movie. I’ll start.
Favorite athlete that is also a great actor. I’ll start.
Biden regrets leaving presidential race, thinks he would beat Trump
It’s good to be in on something from the start, like clapping cheeks memes, but I know I missed that. Lately, I can’t help feeling like I showed up when it was all over—the upvotes are gone, and the best days have passed.
This video make me cry