mere coincidence
flatmates keep fat shaming me
Am I the only one that hated how they wrapped up glasser?
Everyone is happy to be able to get 60 chests a year, meanwhile idk how im supposed to even open that many, I cant even open the ones ive had from before they were removed.
Don’t get the hate on Celina or Bailey
My officer got falsely banned for 4 weeks 5 days before raid release.
Unable to install the game
Russia threatens to unleash ‘entire arsenal on London if it loses war in Ukraine’
What's your most wanted #SomeChange for Cata Classic?
AITA for telling my female cousin that she needs wear appropriate clothes?
It’s actually a real problem that men increasingly don’t read books and literature is seen as geared towards women
We do "Just Fine"
Cower debuff for Hardcore is now 3 IN GAME days
My Guild's Recruiters. Hasn't stopped us from having Algalon and H Anub on farm!
People are impatient AF in heroic++
Anyone else wipe on Anub a few times this week because warcraftlogs lowered their max add damage to 600k and people stopped killing adds in p3?
Can we end this debate now?
They are banning anyone who talks about the HC Deaths
How am I supposed to up my gear if no one wants to run Alpha heroics with someone under 4K gear score?
Beginner here - Is it just me or WOTLK classic feels more alive than retail?
I hit 80 for the first time, I have no clue what to do next, literally, Anybody wanna give me directions?
The GPS pin system at its peak
How has the token affected your servers economy?