What are the best new bands that have a unique sound
I got my guitar but am already loosing motivation
Are cheap prewired pickguards any good?
Hip Hop/Rap Suggestions For Rock Listeners?
Should I become emo finally?
First date coming up after almost two years, help
What are these stains and how can I remove them?
What Genre Is Adjust The Sails?
For When You Can’t Breathe
I made the simplest riff ever, but it sounds good. Maybe that’s just the hammer ons.
A Riff I Was Recording. Thoughts? Also What Genre Do You Think It Is?
What Time Signature and Tempo Is This (Or What Is Closest I Could Change My Playing to)
Favorite drinks to pair with NBSNAF?
Covers you like more than the original?
Name a band who’s most popular song is actually their WORST song
New fan going to my first show in may
What are the catchiest pop punk songs you’ve ever heard?
new tattoo inspired by favorite song from my favorite band is
Oddest place you have heard pop punk bands?
I posted this on my Snapchat story and I thought you guys might enjoy this video lol
Who are the people in the cover for Goodness by the Hotelier?
Who are the people on the cover for Goodness by The Hotelier