Trying to decide: The new Captain Cold or the obscure Clock King?
Which set is better in your opinion?
Do any of you get so stressed that you start having diarrhea?
Can anxiety cause a itchy throat and coughing?
Anyone else jump to worst case scenario ALWAYS
Am I alone for wanting them to make this into a figure? I want MOS Zod as well.
H4 BTS pic
Behind the scenes for Suicide Squad (2016)
Penta zero miedo
What If Robin Willams Riddler Custom head
It's a real shame Todd never gave us Arkham Origins Batman to go along with Deathstroke
What in the werewolf kangaroo anatomy is this?!
Whatever happened to this?
Is this rare? Looks like a misprint
New Superman Looks Great in Person
Around 6% of Americans believe they can defeat a grizzly bear in a hand-to-hand combat
Me 5 minutes ago: *Man, they really did a good job on the Batman Begins figure.*
Camoflauge Tumbler Batmobile Giveaway #1337
Digging the cape
Made a mild mannered reporter...
Recreated One of My Childhood Favorites - Kenner's Iron Winch Batman
Finally pulled the trigger on this guy:
What's your favorite blue Batman?
mcfarlane alfred (fanmade)