Does Quran 55:33 contradict modern space travel?
I was only trying to open a can of Pepsi, not the gates of hell!
Kids these days will be the end of civilization /s
TIL yt people doesn't mean YouTube people
Writing a Muslim character
Got banned for being a trump supporter? Even though I’m not.
This one looks familiar but I don’t know what it is.
What’s he building in there?
Name a bad or painfully mediocre movie with a surprisingly good ending
Danny Glover was 41 when he stared in Lethal Weapon.
It's called Color in a Can
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves - Endorphins and dopamine rush with this one!
Was saying “Jack n the Crack” only just us
"school bad"
The shining theory
How'd i do on my first mastercopy?
Top 50 NES Games: Day 43
Kubrick and pool tables
Top 50 NES Games: Day 42
i love watching seinfeld and i love more spotting some background items, i even saw him with a nice cholula bottle, but man, SIM CITY and TETRIS ? i am just weirded out by the box, looks more nes than nes, do u think those are fakes ?
Was Biff Tannen trying to rape Lorraine in the car before George McFly showed up?
I raise your Inspector Gadget intro with this banger intro.
Lord Bullingdon - possibly the most annoying character in film history?
Is there no sub (anymore) that’s specifically about retro game difficulty?
Does anyone know the name of this Rebel pilot in the background of the briefing scene on Yavin?