Here's a few of my favorite ambient & new age albums on cassette from my collection!
long open turntable tape loops
Ass or Pass
Does sound of water count as ambient? How do you feel about pure nature soundscapes?
If you had some pair cash to throw at some pedals what would you get?
With classes conducted all day, how does one find the time to do things like report or grading (Eikawa work)
No worries if ID cannot be made due to bad photo- located in baton rouge, LA.
Jehovah’s Witness targeting people?
What is some albums that is good for sleeping or relaxing to?
Walking around the 23 Ku, which are your favorite places?
How on earth do you get a lightning iPad to work with an audio interface? I’ve tried 4 different hubs and two interfaces and nothing connects
What’s the best way to get from Tokyo to Kyoto without spending a fortune?
After work activities
Teeny loop
Recommendations for a chargeable pedal power supply
Weekly Community Thread
LPT: Easy way to obliterate Amazon labels with your name and address before you throw them away.
Found this in a thrift shop today for $1
What's the most surreal experience you've had in Tokyo?
What is something in Tokyo which is completely random, insignificant or obscure that you facetiously (or seriously) consider yourself an expert on?
This comment is wrong, no?
Need tips choosing a neighborhood in Tokyo
Opinions Hall of Fame 2? Overrated?
Where to buy a nice winter jacket?(F)