Kate is a good friend
ass first time
Talking to the dead.
might be a hot take but (spoilers)
The dudes at the kratom shop recommended a place for me to buy kava and make it myself. They sold me a bunch of little stems?
Kratom vs 7oh
Severance will never be able to top its first season
Season 2 was probably the most boring television I’ve ever seen
Is season 3 anyone else’s favorite so far?
What episode of the podcast do they talk about the Feel Free drink?
PSA: The Feel Free drink discussed on the podcast contains addictive chemicals that act on opioid receptors
Should I try 7oh or stick to kratom?
Fall Away is such a banger, but it’s SO corny
if i kittyflip 9pm friday, can i drink on saturday?
How do y’all deal with a 12+ top that wants to do all separate checks?
I actually cannot believe I’m typing these words right now…. IM OFFFF !!!
How do you greet your tables? I say “hey guys, how’s it going” or “hey y’all, how’s it going” if they’re a bit older
Does anyone else get auditory hallucinations. Like it sounds like my neighbors are having a party. Weird stuff
Clarence- good or bad
What’s in my Cart?
Why didn't the K hit
Bumps or lines?
I used to be a serious nitrous lover. Until I bought a pulse oximeter and realized that I was spending wayyy too much in a hypoxic SpO2 level