For aussies- how much phernergan do you put in your rikodeine bottle?
(For Australians) how much liquid phergergan do you put in a bottle of rikodeine
Flunitrazapam to strong for a social environment?
Is midazolam stronger than xannax.
Prescriptions for insomnia
What’s the worst mistake you made when you were trying to fix your sleep schedule?
Does hcg make you tired?
When should I take my hcg shot and how much?
What cbd flower or vapes are on montu? Also good for sleep
Any solutions to hangovers from weed?
Use weed sometimes to sleep but next day I feel terrible groggy like a hangover. Is there anything to fix that?
Only testosterone product I can find in Thailand.
Crashed estrogen with arimidex
Why do I have low libido?
Will 400 mg of seroquel put me to sleep
Can you pre load testosterone in your syringe over night?
OCD is a bitch
I get anxious on coffee is there an alternative to it?
I sleep 1-2 hours a night and sometimes not at all
How do you cope with this condition
I need help like a lot of help.
One of the best old school classic West coast Japanese rap [Just like me/Konna kanji/こんな感じ] DS455
If Battlefront 3 were to be released, what are some things you would like to see added in the game?
Experience with Australia Post parcel lockers??
Different color pills, ya now the deal