The final note of Euphoric Dissonance
My Slaanesh Fiends: 7 done, 3 WiP and 2 waiting in the Warp...
Shade Brushes
Finished up some tanks for my IWs
Be’lakor the Dark Master
All painted up
They are completed
A year of prep done just in time
Future Codex
Rank of Daemon
Undivided future
Chaos Future?
Check out my little pink box
Finished Terminator squad
Brothers! Welcome to the feast! Tell me, which among you will be the first course?
I'll just leave this here...
Update for you all
Can we all share our demons?
Grade Book Boards
Rate me/Roast me
What would be the value of my shell kit? (Tama Starclassic Bubinga from 2007-2008)
Tama Roadpro Combi
Tama SLP Studio Kit